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Pandhari, Bharwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur 210502, Uttar Pradesh, India
Bringing hamirpur to the world.
Showing posts with label Agriculture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agriculture. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Poverty in Hamirpur

"Dalit, Harijan, SC & ST". If you are regularly updated for news, you know thease words. The people, whose conditions are miserable are poors. Agriculture is nothing but a livelihood practicesby this backward groups. Most “Harijans” have poor quality land, in which only coarse cereals can be grown. production will be very low If there is inadequate rainfall in June,...

Hamirpur Agricultural Profits

The Agriculture of Hamirpur imparting the lower profits to the national revenue . And there are no any efforts from government side to increase the total productivity.All the farmers in Hamirpur are essentially engaged in subsistence farming, which is highly Dependant on a rainfall. Since the 1990s, profitability of agriculture has been affected seriously by rising costs used in cultivation like the coste of fertilizers, seeds,...

Agricultural Production of Hamirpur

As God gifted us good quality of soil. per the data of District-wise crop production statistics 2002-03 data Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Hamirpur districts produced a total of around 2310 tons while the yielding is 3027 kg/hectare. And total annual production of gram in 2002-03 was over 970 tones, while gram is showing  an decrease in average...

Monday, April 6, 2015

Agriculture in Hamirpur

Hamirpur's economy is mostly based on agriculture. District is situated in a Plain sub-region of Yamuna and Betwa, so over 70% of total area is used for cultivation. According to India’s census figure, 70 per cent of Hamirpur's working population is engaged in agriculture. Though yields are low due to irrigation facilities were not sufficient.Farmers depended mainly...


From past some years we regularly getting some frequent reports of farmers committing suicide in Hamirpur and its surroundings. But no systematic efforts were done either by the government or by non-government organizations to find out the root cause and abolish  it. What we have are only press reports of specific cases when a person dies.  Some...

Friday, August 8, 2014

Irrigation Facilities in Hamirpur

Irrigation of agricultural crop through the Rivers, Dams, Canals and government and non government tubewels. The rain is uncertain. Precipitation of rain is not throughout the year, it occures only 4 months from June to September while District such as Hamirpur, 64% of cultivated land is dependent on monsoons. Only 30% of the agriculture area is comes under the irrigated land. In Hamirpur there is 508  Government Tube wells...