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Pandhari, Bharwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur 210502, Uttar Pradesh, India
Bringing hamirpur to the world.
Showing posts with label Economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Economy. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Hired hands.

Industrial workers Workers are the sections of our society on which all economic advancement persists. They are the axis of all kinds of economical activities. In today's mechanical era, the contribution of labor present in all activities including industry, trade, agriculture, and construction. Hamirpur, completly depends upon agricultural activities for livelihood...

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Livestock in Hamirpur

Animals are used during sowing, to draw water from wells, and to transport people and goods. Dung is used as fuel. Some supplemental income can come from sale of milk. For these reasons, and also possibly due to traditional Hindu reverence for the cow, Hamirpur has had a high livestock population for ages. It is often said that there is more livestock than human population in Hamirpur. High ownership of goats and other animals is not...

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Female in workforce

I'm not saying about hamirpurites, but the people who are not belong to this tract of land will amazed in this topic. This topic is dedicated to femalehood who earns for the livelihood of their family. Working women The proportion of women in the workforce in Hamirpur is generally higher than the state average. While, according to Census 2001, female workers constituted ...

Employment Resources

Hamirpur rank among the least developed regions of the state, with low industrialization and low urbanization. Agriculture is the main occupation in Hamirpur. As the table below shows, according to Census 2001, percentage of main workers engaged in agriculture, as cultivators or laborers, was less than. For the agriculture conditions are not good...

Sunday, April 5, 2015


The term migration refers to the movement of population from one place to another. It may be of temporary or permanent type. According to  2002 BPL Survey Data  45% to 60% of households across Hamirpur villages have at least one member who migrates yearly or permanently inside the country to obtain sufficient income for survival. This income is sent home to family members. Among all social groups in rural areas, scheduled tribes and...

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Sumerpur industries It is true that industries are mother of prosperity. As we know that hamirpur is a under-developed region. Hens Industrialisation considered backward due to unorgnised system and lack of skilled labour.  Some years ago there were several small and tiny industrial units were scattered across the region at Bharwa Sumerpur like Veenus Steel, Eswarya...

Electricity Supply

Electricity supply Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. is responsible for power distribution in the 21 districts of Uttar Pradesh including Hamirpur. As per the report of knoema the households with electricity in Hamirpur was 40.1 % in 2008. Figure shows that some villages of hamirpur are not electified. Some interior villages are live under the darkness or using kerosene....