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Pandhari, Bharwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur 210502, Uttar Pradesh, India
Bringing hamirpur to the world.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hamirpur Fairs

Like almost all parts of the country Hamirpur too fairs are held and thousands of people visit these fairs. They are held generally on the occasion of some religious festivals. The site of the fair is generally a sacred place. Many small fairs are held on various occasions. Special features of the village fairs in India are that they fulfill the needs of the rural people Many...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hamirpur Language

Bundeli is an Indo-Aryan language language of Western India which related to or equal to Braj Bhasha is widly spoken in hamirpur. It was the literary language in North India until the 19th century. " Saaji chaturang sain ang mai umang dhari sarja shiwaji jang jeetan chalat hai"  It is the most common Hindi dialects spoken in this area. It consists of several sub dialects in area by area. Although Bundeli is spoken in whole of Bundelkhand...