There is a village named Patan pur in Maudaha 12 km away from block. This region has given great patriot and freedom fighters like Bhagwan das Dwivedi, Hanuman Singh, Raghuwar and Surajbhan.they made their name glorious in Indian history.Another name is Manbodhan Singh, whose personality and attitude towards mother land could not be forgotten.He was born on 15 February 1901 in Veera village near Bindki district Fatehpur....
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Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Bhagwan Das Balendu

A nationalist, poet and the patriot of Hamirpur, Bhagwan Das Balendu was born in Kulpahad Samvat 1964. His father's name was Braj Gopal Arjariya who build a Vishnu temple in Rikhwaha in which three villages had donated their land.
His had done his basic education in local school and also studied Hindi, Urdu and English by self. He also qualified the Sahitya Sammelan...